Attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT Mr. Vladimir Anohin and Mr. Bronislavs Baltrumovics will participate in the 77th ECTA Council Meeting, held in Larnaca, Cyprus on November 17, 2019.
APAA 70th Council Meeting
The 70th APAA Annual Council Meeting will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, on November 9 – 12, 2019, where Agency TRIA ROBIT will be represented by patent attorney Voldemars Osmans.
Trademark attorney of Agency TRIA ROBIT Ms. Sabine Udre will participate in the XXI-th ASIPI Work Sessions and Administrative Council, held in Lima, Peru on October 27-30, 2019.
FICPI 18th Open Forum
Vladimir Anohin and Natalia Anohina take participation in Forum organized by International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys and held in Vienna, Austia. Date: 09th – 12th October 2019.
ETMD Education Programme
On 12 June 2019 the Trademark Attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT Ms Alina Bogdanovica and Mrs Alona Sivcova have successfully graduated the EUIPO Trade Mark and Design (ETMD) Education Programme in Alicante, Spain that was specially designed to accommodate the training needs of intellectual property practitioners dealing with the registration and prosecution of European Union trade marks (EUTM) and Community designs (RCD).
ECTA 38th Annual Conference
Attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT Mr. Vladimir Anohin, Mrs. Natalia Anohina and Mr. Bronislavs Baltrumovics will participate in ECTA 38th Annual Conference in Edinburgh, United Kingdom on June 23-26, 2019 .
INTA 141th Annual Meeting
As usually Agency TRIA ROBIT will be represented at 141th Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association, which this time will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, on May 18-22, 2019.
PTMG Spring 98th Conference
Attorney of Agency TRIA ROBIT Mr. Vladimir Anohin will participate in PTMG Spring 98th spring conference held in Rome, Italy on 11th to 12th March 2019.