Attorney of Agency TRIA ROBIT Ms. Sabine Udre will participate in the 19th ASIPI Work Sessions and Administrative Council, held in Rio De Janeiro, Brasil on November 24-28, 2018.
APAA 18th General Assembly and 68th & 69th Council Meetings
The Asian Patent Attorneys Association 18th General Assembly and 68th & 69th Council Meetings, New Delhi, India on, November 17-21, 2018.
Agency TRIA ROBIT will be represented by patent attorneys Mr. Vladimir Anohin.
AIPPI 2018
Patent attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT are planning to take participation in AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle) World Congress which will be held in Cancun, Mexico, on September 22-26, 2018.
China Trademark Festival (CTF) 2018
China Trademark Festival (CTF 2018) is going to take place in Tangshan, Hebei Province, from August 31st to September 3rd 2018, where Agency TRIA ROBIT will be represented by trademark attorneys Ms. Alina Bodganovica, Mrs. Alona Sivcova and lawyer Mrs. Anastasija Juksinska.
ECTA 37th Annual Conference
Attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT Mr. Vladimir Anohin, Mrs. Natalia Anohina will participate in ECTA 37th Annual Conference in Athens, Greece on June 13-16, 2018 .
Annual General Meeting of AIPPI national group
Annual General Meeting of LPPA Members
INTA 140th Annual Meeting
As each year Agency TRIA ROBIT is represented at 140th Annual Meeting organized by International Trademark Association. This time the Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA on May 19-23, 2018.
The 8th China IP International Annual Forum & Annual Conference of In-house IP Managers in China
The attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT will take participation in the 8th China IP International Annual Forum & Annual Conference of In-house IP Managers in China 2018.
Global Intellectual Property Convention (GIPC)
The attorneys of Agency TRIA ROBIT Mr. Voldemars Osmans and Ms. Alina Bogdanovica were invited and will take participation in the Global Intellectual Property Convention (GIPC), to be held from January 23 to 25 in Bangalore, India.